University holidays and campus breaks
Campus breaks
Students also have additional breaks during the fall and spring semesters:
- Fall Break: Monday and Tuesday in October after the eighth week of the semester
- Thanksgiving break: Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving through Sunday after Thanksgiving
- Spring Break: Monday through Sunday after the ninth week of the semester

University holidays
IU observes nine holidays for students annually:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Friday after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday is observed on the Monday immediately following the holiday. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday is observed on the Friday immediately preceding the holiday.
Class accommodations for religious observance
Occasionally, your observation of a major religious holiday might require you to be unable to attend classes or participate in any exam, study, or work requirements for a specified time. We respect your right to observe your religious holidays and will make reasonable accommodations for you.
You’ll need to request an accommodation well in advance, so be sure to plan ahead. You must fill out the and submit it to your instructor by the end of the first two weeks of the semester.
Your instructor must give you the opportunity to make up any work you miss or to do alternative work that’s the same difficulty as the missed exam or assignment, and you won’t face any negative consequences.
Talk with your instructor to decide on a reasonable accommodation. If you can’t agree, consider seeking advice from the dean of your school.